Friday, June 24, 2011

Misssion of Burma:First show in Dallas EVER!

Clinton Conley-photo by me :)
 After being broken up for 19 years MISSION OF BURMA united in 2002 and released a new album (ONoffON) in 2004. They have been going strong ever since releasing 2 more albums: Obliterati and The Sound, the Speed, the Light. In the fall of 2009 one of the most influential bands in punk rock history FINALLY decided to play a show in Texas. In November this post punk rock 3 piece played a show in Austin, Texas as part of the annual FUN FUN FUN Festival. I could not have been more excited, especially because one of my other favourite bands, The Jesus Lizard would be playing too, but thats another story! Any how long story short, when MoB played at FFF it was raining the entire day! It felt like we were at woodstock, which was kinda fun in a way. standing outside in the rain as the day turned to night watching them play TREM TWO was one of the most memorable concert memories I have. It was pure magic. But because of the rain issue their set was cut short, and after talking to Clint Conley (bass and vocalist..pictured above) I was sure I would never have a chance to see them in Texas, or at least Dallas again. But much to my surprise they will be playing their own show in Austin July 22nd! I have tickets already, and they will also be performing in DALLAS for the first time EVER on the 24th!! so of course I will be there too! I cant believe I will be seeing Mission of Burma twice in one weekend! I am soooo excited!! Thank you Mob, for making me such a happy girl. :) I could go on and on with my MoB facts and trivia, but I'll let the music speak for its self. This song is one of their more softer tunes (Trem Two). The band puts art into punk without being pretentious, they have incredibly well written, melodic, bass driven songs. hard to take a listen. Check out their first album Signals,Calls, and Marches. (1981) to hear their most influential songs 'thats when I reached for my revolver", "thats how I escaped my certain fate"...etc.
                            Trem two from the album VS. (1982)

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Melvins play Bullhead and Stoner Witch in its entirity

I have been one of the biggest Melvins fans ever since I heard them 17 yrs ago. I have tried my best to make it to every one of their shows since then, I have drivin to Austin a number of times to see them perform, even to see members perform with other bands like Shrinebuilder. So naturally when I heard they were playing a two night double set there I was stoked! As much as I wanted to go to both shows, I could only pick one night, and since I had seen them perform HOUDINI for the 25 yr anniversary show, I chose to see them on Saturday night when they would be playing BULLHEAD and STONER WITCH. 
    When my BF and I arrived, we parked the car and proceeded to walk towards the venue. we were early, so we got to stand on the sidewalk and listen to them do soundcheck..playing entire songs. We decided to walk down the street to grab a bite to eat real fast, as we walked we could still hear was amazing how loud it was, it followed us 3 blocks down!  
   When back at the venue we got in quick and scored the best place we could stand to watch, on the balcony looking over the crowd with an aerial view of the band. As we waited for the band to take stage, the cool air blew  and the sun was setting, life couldnt have been more perfect at this moment. Of course every song sounded amazing and amazing to watch! Dale and Coady are so in tune with each other, it ws truly mind did Coady learn the entire Melvins catalog so fast?! Dale Crover once told me " I met satan at the crossroads and sold my soul for a BBQ sandwich." I believe this may be true for Coady Willis too! Thank you Melvins for never giving up and over coming all obstacles to continue making badass music, and playing such amazing shows.